Looking for more? Be sure to check out our e-learning platform, The Wood Institute. It provides free, on-demand content from Think Wood, WoodWorks, and the American Wood Council, including 100+ CEU courses accredited by AIA, ICC, GBCI, and others.
With distant learning and remote education on the rise in 2021, building professionals across the country are taking advantage of Think Wood’s web-based CEUs. Don’t miss out—there’s still time to complete your end-of-year CEU credits!
Gain fresh insight and master new skills on everything from calculating the wood carbon footprint of a building to designing spaces that promote health and wellness—and much more. Not sure where to start? Take a tour of our top 10 CEUs from 2021:
Looking for more? Be sure to check out our e-learning platform, The Wood Institute. It provides free, on-demand content from Think Wood, WoodWorks, and the American Wood Council, including 100+ CEU courses accredited by AIA, ICC, GBCI, and others.